Alex Arpino– Development Coordinator
Alex Arpino has 23 years of frontline Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) service delivery experience, having held a variety of roles in Residential Rehabilitation, Case Management and Counselling, into Management and Senior Leadership positions. Alex was one of the founding members of the Drug and Alcohol Youth Service (DAYS), specifically in Withdrawal and Respite and Residential Rehabilitation. Alex is a qualified Community Services Worker, Youth Worker and Trainer and Assessor (TAE40116), an experienced Group Facilitator and has worked in Capacity Building, facilitating Mental Health First Aid and ASIST Suicide Prevention Training.
Alex seeks to empower the voices of AOD consumers, families, significant others, and the community at large, with the task to address stigma, and draw out the vast experience and wisdom in the community.

Vivienne Keeley – Systemic Advocate
Vivienne has over 18 years of WA Alcohol & Other Drug sector experience and holds a degree in Behavioural Science. She has demonstrated skills in front line service delivery and evidenced professional leadership abilities. Vivienne enjoys community capacity building, advocacy and developing collaborative relationships. She is committed to maintaining supportive, empowering, and inclusive environments that ensure high level respectful relationships both individually and with communities. Vivienne believes ALL people who have a lived and or living experience of Alcohol & Other Drugs, and the communities they live in, should have the opportunity, and supports to experience positive health and wellbeing.

Kirsty Turner – Project Officer – AOD Stigma Reduction Toolkit
Kirsty is a dynamic professional with rich lived experience and a diverse educational and career background. She has spent 21 years working across multiple human centred sectors including research, disability services, human resources and culture. She has a passion for promoting health and equity as a human right and believes in developing alcohol and other drug lived and living experience as a fundamental contributor to service development and delivery. Kirsty holds a Bachelor of Science in Health Promotion, equipping her with a strong foundation in empowering individuals and communities to have a greater sense of control over their own lives. She is passionate about the creation of more inclusive and diverse communities where everyone has an equal opportunity to express themselves as they are and feel a sense of purpose and belonging.

Brooke Reeves – Communications and Administration Officer
Brooke has a professional background in hospitality, management and a Bachelor of Science in Health Promotion. She has volunteer experience with WA Country Health Service in the delivery and management of Alcohol and Other Drug research and support services, around the Leavers WA celebrations in the South West. Brooke is passionate about a holistic approach to health and empowering people to improve their wellbeing. Her passion is driven by her lived experience combined with an interest in the Alcohol and Other Drug sector from her academic and volunteer background. She aspires to help make a positive difference to people’s lives through her work.