Our membership is free and open to all individuals 16 years and above, that have been impacted by alcohol and other drugs, including family members, significant others, supports and allies.
We seek to empower the voices of those with a lived and/or living experience of alcohol and other drug use, along with their family and supports, as we are well aware of the impact drugs and alcohol have on the entire community.
We also seek support from sector professionals who can apply to be Full or Associate Members. (Limit of one Associate Member per organisation).
Benefits of Membership
- Access to our Monthly Newsletter and email correspondence.
- Be informed of Consumer Participation and Consultation Opportunities.
- Access to Training.
- Assist in the development of our organisation as a peak body – ensuring those with a lived and/or living experience of alcohol and other drug use and their families and supports have input in systemic change in WA.
- Provide input on alcohol and other drug trends and issues impacting the community, with a view to improve the wellbeing of the community.
- Be a voting member that can help shape the AODCCC and attend our Annual General Meeting.
A link to an online membership application can be found below. Hard copy applications are also available below and can be emailed to, or via post at 33 Moore Street, East Perth WA 6004.

Above: The AODCCC Tree, founded in 2022 as a commemorative way to showcase our diverse group of Reference Group members. Each leaf represents a valuable contribution to the AODCCC and the unique thoughts and views held towards alcohol and other drugs. This group renews annually with a different cohort of members each time.