Contact Us

Claisebrook Lotteries House

 33 Moore St, East Perth WA 6004

Phone: 63118402

Feel free to give us a call on the number above, or send us an email and we will get back to you.
If you’d like to visit us, make contact to arrange a time to come in and speak with us at our office located in the Claisebrook Lotteries House.
We are in the office on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Please note: We are not in a position to take on any students looking for work placement hours.
We do hope to have the capacity for this in the future so stay tuned in to our socials and our Events and Opportunities page for any changes on this.

Are you looking to issue a complaint about a service, organisation or treatment provider?

Here is a list of complaints avenues to explore:
Health and Disability Services Complaints Office (HaDSCO)
Health Consumers Council WA
Flying Free
Making a complaint about a service – WA Mental Health Commission
See also: National Quality Framework for Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services

Feel free to contact us to discuss.

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