Alcohol and Other Drug
Consumer & Community Coalition
The Alcohol and Other Drug Consumer & Community Coalition (AODCCC) is the peak body for alcohol and other drug consumer and community informed systemic advocacy in Western Australia. Our aim is to empower the voices of consumers, their families and supports, ensuring the health and wellbeing of our community.
The AODCCC was incorporated in June 2018 in response to the need and support for an alcohol and other drug specific, consumer and community informed advocacy body.
Mission, Vision & Values
To promote the interests, education and welfare of those affected by alcohol and other drug use.
Community understanding shaped by the voice of people and families with lived experience of Alcohol and Other Drugs.
The following set of values were developed utilising consultation inputs from the consumer and community think tank held in 2018:

We acknowledge the legitimacy of everyone’s experience and provide a safe space for diverse views to be shared.

We look for opportunities to bring consumers, family, community, policy makers and providers together for real change.

We consult broadly and are open about our intent, activities and outcomes.

We share bold visions and take courageous steps towards what is needed in the community.

We respect and value the different perspectives and experiences of alcohol and other drug use.

Alcohol and Other Drug Consumer & Community Coalition
The AODCCC is the alcohol and other drug peak body for consumer-driven systemic advocacy in WA.
Policy & Advocacy Officer Job in East Perth, Perth WA - SEEK
Exciting advocacy opportunity at WA's peak body for young people and the youth sector.Our Funding Partner